Reskilling - Evolve Your Future

Reskilling to Catch up with a Working Environment that has Moved On

Approaching the end of a career break can be daunting. Systems, methods, people and technology move on extremely quickly, and returning to work after a long period can sometimes feel like chasing a train that has already left the station. We promise that it doesn’t have to be like this!

Reskilling is simply refreshing the skills you previously possessed, and aligning them with the latest methods and technologies. By contacting eVolve your future, you will have immediate access to:

  1. A team of careers guidance experts for the employed, and those facing redundancy (free of charge)
  2. Our employer engagement and workplace learning team (if you want to involve an existing employer).

You have much to gain and nothing to lose by calling us, wherever you are in the UK. Many of our courses can be completed through distance learning at a time that suits you. Take a look and contact us if anything takes your fancy.

Here are some examples of how reskilling can make a difference to your working life:

Returning to work after a career break: If an individual has taken a career break and hasn’t worked in an office environment for a few years, we offer touch typing refresher courses, coupled with Microsoft Word, Office and Outlook (2007, 2010 and 2013 available) training.

Moving from a manual to an office-based role: If you want to move somebody from a manual role to an administration-based role, they may need to complete Microsoft Word, Office and Outlook (2007, 2010 and 2013 available) courses.

Moving from customer service to online marketing: People-orientated individuals tend to be effective business communicators and, providing their writing skills are good enough, often suit various online marketing roles. In these cases, we offer courses on graphic web design, SEO for business, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and blogging for business, and social media strategies training.

If you or your colleagues would benefit from training, please contact us on 01933 358250 or [email protected] to arrange a free consultation.